From 1936 to 1938 there were 98 White Model 706 park buses put into service. They were ultimately retired in the mid-1960’s and sold for $750 each. Yellowstone Park Bus BELL HOUSING 6AH-L-2 Frame Number 202786 Zenith Carburetor Type 20 318 cu in 6 cyl
Daily Rate: $ 1,000
Weekly Rate: $ 6,500
Sale Price: $ 350,000
Weight: 8,800 lbs.
Height: 84″
Length: 26′
Reference #: 18013
VIN: 202786
Lic: YP-427
Model: 706
Body Type: Bender
Color Ext: Yellow
Color Int: Tan
Engine: White 16A
Transmission: 4-Speed